Monday, May 3, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lloyd Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs grilled on C-Span tonite. He was easy to draw. His face never changed. :)


Not as accurate but I've seen this look from myself many times before.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


My friend from high school just launched his website and I think his work is just great, but you guys can be the judge of that. His prints and drawings are really cool, they remind me of Caroline's makeup idea. The website is Let me know what you think!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Eyes in new medium

I rephotoshoped eyes and printed out on vellum.
One is just put on the top of my drawing.
The other one is glued on the top of my drawing.
I kind of like glued one. I'm going to try with a little bigger size this weekend!


Playing around, no focus today...

Subway sketch of the week

This week, I'm having fun with drawing people's faces on subway.
It doesn't look good at all, but I found out that looking at the real human faces to draw and looking at photograph (Tom's) to draw is different. I've never felt looking at the real human being is way better and easier to move my hand. Also I enjoy more!

Peel the Onion

A prof and I have been working on this, way to explore something to understand it better, it's way beta right now, but thought you may be able to use/test it out to explore the thought in your projects...

Oliver Herring

Here's what I brought to class but didn't have time to go over with Tom. Thoughts?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010



Violent banana


okay so i'm trying to move away from my last piece, at least in terms where i've been with it for the past couple of weeks. need a break. so... playing with textures and layering. any help is welcome!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Eye eyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeye

My eye collection~
There is a pattern in those eyes...just need time to figure out the best way to apply...

New Idea

Ok, so I started thinking about personal perspective and went back to an original subject matter, the black panthers. I've changed the eyes to be of different races because I feel that if people were more understanding of others and their experience, paramilitary groups such as the black panthers would not have (and still wouldn't be) necessary. The "new" eyes are in color, because cultural issues are never black and white. Oh, and I left blank spots because I have yet to compile some drawings into this draft. Thoughts? Comments?

Natsuki's Portrait

My face is very serious...hahaha

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Moving Faces

Sitting through a movie, bored, I decided to draw the people in it as they moved. Couldn't see much, but enjoyed the flow...this pic of you all in class has the same movement for me.